3 Keys To Success Behind The Chair

3 Keys To Success Behind The Chair
It’s hard to believe that Hannah Menor, talented colorist, popular Instagrammer, educator and part of the Riot Squad from Pulp Riot, didn’t just glide into a dream job when she gained her license. Clearly talented even at beauty school, she had that indefinable ‘extra’ that made her shine. But she identified early on the exact business she wanted to be part of, so when she discovered the only position available at the time was on reception, she filed her license away and embraced life behind the front desk.

‘I loved Disconnected the moment I saw it,’ says Hannah, now mother to two gorgeous boys, Jackson, aged 6, and Lincoln, aged 1-and-a-half and creatively fluid. ‘It is in a really cool artsy district of San Diego with a creative, upmarket clientele. It also had a good assistants’ program and I knew I’d get the best professional development there, so I grabbed the opportunity to be on the front desk and for four months I watched and learned as much as I could. Finally, when an opening came on the assistants’ program I stepped straight into it.’

Since then, Hannah’s career and influence have exploded. An avid social media user, she has shared her journey with her 25k followers over the past few years. It’s changed her life from local success story to worldwide phenomenon. But she is still remarkably grounded and keen to help others embark on a similar journey. Here are her tips on how to build a strong business:

Be social

‘I browse on Instagram every day to see what others are doing and to get inspiration. I don’t post every day but I am on there, engaging with others, messaging people and answering comments about my own posts,’ says Hannah. ‘Sharing our work and inspiration on social media lifts us out of our own little bubbles and gives us something to reflect on. I love the interaction of social media – and that’s its value. If you do that, you’ll see your follower numbers and your influence grow. ’

Be adventurous

‘I’ve never been afraid to try product or innovative new tools or new approaches or techniques,’ Hanna says. ‘Embracing experimentation is what keeps us fresh and learning all the time. I try out new colors and techniques all the time, but I also keep an eye on new developments and am a keen early adopter. I recently adopted ECOHEADS’ The Ping color mixer and it’s had a huge impact on how I do things. It gives me fluffier mixes in seconds and because they are so aerated, they glide on super-easy and go further. I even named him, because my favorite color assistant most certainly deserves a name. His name is: Perry the Ping.

Be there

I love working with people, whether it’s educating other stylists or looking after my clients, I am always there when they need me. We are service providers and we need to be consistent and reliable. I don’t suddenly take time out and let my clients down. Nor do I abandon my followers. I go on social media every day to engage with people and inspire as much as I can.

You can follow Hannah on @hannahdisconnected

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